V.E.R.A. Search Results

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Request was HP *3000
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These are the results of your search:

ADG [RAID] Advanced Data Guarding (RAID, HP)

ADODB ActiveX Data Objects DataBase [library] (ADO, PHP), "ADOdb"

AHP Analytical Hierachy Process

AHPCRC Army High Performance Computing Research Center (Org., USA, HPC)

ASNM AdvanceStack Network Management (HP)

ASR Automatic Server Restart (HP)

ASTA Advanced Software Technology and Algorithms (HPCC)

ATS Adaptive Tape Speed (HP, Streamer, LTO)

BAMP BSD, Apache, MySQL, PHP (BSD, Apache, PHP, DB)

BAPCO Business Application Performance COrporation (Benchmark, Org., Compaq, Dell, HP, IBM, MS, Lotus, Intel, ...) "BAPCo"

BCS Basic Control System (OS, HP, HP 2100)

BCU BIOS Configuration Utility (BIOS, HP)

CAMP Cygwin Apache MySQL PHP (Cygwin, Apache, SQL, PHP)

CCSY Cooperative Computing System Program (HP)

CDSA Common Data Security Architecture (HP, Verschlüsselung)

CHPE Compiled Hybrid Portable Executable

CMP Chip MultiProcessing (IBM, HP, Sun)

COSE Common Open Software Environment (HP, Sun, IBM, SCO, USL, Univel)

CRET Color - Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP), "C-REt"

CSP Centro Supercacolo Piemonte (Org., Italien, HPC)

DA11 DatenAustauschphase 11 [allgemeine bauabrechnung] (GAEB)

DA81 DatenAustauschphase 81 [leistungsverzeichnis] (GAEB)

DA82 DatenAustauschphase 82 [kostenanschlag] (GAEB)

DA83 DatenAustauschphase 83 [angebotsanforderung] (GAEB)

DA84 DatenAustauschphase 84 [angebotsabgabe] (GAEB)

DA85 DatenAustauschphase 85 [nebenangebot] (GAEB)

DA86 DatenAustauschphase 86 [zuschlag/auftragserteilung] (GAEB)

DAS Disk Array Subsystem (Unix, HP-UX)

DCE Data Circuit terminating Equipment (X.25, CCITT, IBM, HP, DEC, Tandem, Sun)

DDS Digital Data Storage (Sony, HP, DAT, ISO, ANSI, ECMA, Streamer)

DLHP Deutsche Linux Howto Project (Linux)

DP [RAID] Double Parity (RAID, Network Appliance, HP)

DSN Distributed Systems Network (HP)

DVDRW Digital Versatile Disk + ReWritable (PC-RW, DVD, Sony, Philips, HP, Mitsubishi, Ricoh, Yamaha), "DVD+RW"

DVI Digital Video Interactive [veraltet/old term] (LCD, Intel, IBM, Lotus, HP, Compaq, ...)

ECSC European Customer Support Centre (HP)

EEHPCWG Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (Org., HPC, WG)

EGA Enterprsie Grid Alliance (Org., grid, EMC, FSC, HP, Intel, Oracle, ...)

EIO Enhanced Input/Output [architecture] (HP)

ENSA Enterprise Network Storage Architecture (HP)

EPCC Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center (Org., UK, HPC)

EVA [StorageWorks] Enterprise Virtual Array (HP, HDD)

FATA Fibre-Attached Technology Adapted (HP, SATA, HDD)

GGF Global Grid Forum (Org., grid, EMC, FSC, HP, Intel, Oracle, ...)


GPC Graphics Performance Characterization [committee] (Org., HP, IBM, DEC, SGI, Sun, ...)

HP Hewlett Packard (Hersteller)

HPA High Performance Architecture (HP)

HPBIDS Hewlett Packard Broadband Internet Delivery System (HP, Internet), "HP BIDS"

HPC Handheld Personal Computer (PC), "H/PC"

HPC High Performance Computing

HPCC High Performance Computing and Communication

HPCS High Performance Communication Server (Tobit, NLM, Netware)

HPCS High Productivity Computing System (DARPA, Cray, IBM, Sun, ...)

HPE Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HP, Hersteller)

HPET High Precision Event Timer (IC, Intel, MS)

HPF High Performance FORTRAN (FORTRAN)

HPFS High Performance FileSystem (OS/2, FS)

HPG High Performance Group (Org., SPEC)

HPGL Hewlett Packard Graphics Language (CAD, CAM, HP)

HPIB Hewlett Packard Interface Bus (GPIB)

HPKP HTTP Public Key Pinning (HHTP, Verschlüsselung)

HPLIP Hewlett Packard Linux Imaging and Printing (HP, Linux)

HPM Hyper Page Mode

HPMI Hewlett Packard Model Interface (CAD, HP), "HP-MI"

HPNA ???

HPOFS High Performance Optical File System (IBM, OS/2, MOD)

HPPA Hewlett Packard Precision Architecture (HP, RISC)

HPPCL Hewlett Packard Printer Control Language

HPPRM Hewlett Packard Process Resource Manager (HP), "HP PRM"

HPR High Performance Routing

HPR High Priority Request (VUMA)

HPRILOE ??? - Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition, "HP-RILOE"

HPS Hardware Product Services

HPS High Performance Switch (IBM)

HPTS High Performance Transaction Systems

HPUX Hewlett Packard / UniX (Unix), "HP/UX"

HPVEE Hewlett-Packard Visual Engineering Environment (HP, GUI), "HP VEE"

HPVUE Hewlett Packard - Visual User Environment (HP, GUI), "HP-VUE"

IBTA InfiniBand Trade Association (Org., IBM, HP, Compaq, Sun, Dell, MS, ...)

ICF International Cryptographic Framework (HP, Verschlüsselung)

ICI Industrial Computing Initiative (LLNL, LANL, Cray, ..., HPC, MPP)

ICPS Image et Calcul Parallèle de Scientifique (Org., Frankreich, HPC)

ICPS Informatique et Calcul Parallèle de Strasbourg [veraltet/old term] (Org., Frankreich, HPC)

ILO Integrated Lights Out (HP, JAVA, BMC), "iLO"

IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface (Intel, HP, DELL)

JFS Journaled File System (IBM, HP, FS)

LAMP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Linux, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

LAMPP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP and PERL (Linux, Apache, DB, SQL, PHP, PERL)

LAPP Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP (Linux, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

LTO Linear Tape Open (Streamer, IBM, HP, Seagate)

LVM Logical Volume Manager (AIX, HP/UX, OSF/1, HDD)

MAE Macintosh Application Environment (Apple, Sun, HPUX)

MAMP Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Mac, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

MAPP Mac, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP (Mac, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

MET Memory Enhancement Technology (HP), "MEt"

MFP MultiFunction Product (HP)

MH Mobile Host (MHP)

MHP [columbia] Mobile Host Protocol

MHP Multimedia Home Platform (ETSI)

MHPCC Maui High Performance Computing Center (Org., USA)

MIO Modular Input/Output [architecture] (HP)

MOPRIA MObile PRinting Alliance (Org., Canon, HP, Samsung, Xerox) "Mopria"

MPE Multi-Programming Executive (OS, HP, HP 3000)

MPEV Multiple Programming Executive/V (HP), "MPE/V"

MPEXL Multiple Programming Executive/XL (HP), "MPE/XL"

MSR Mobile Support Router (MHP)

MTS Magnetic Tape System (OS, HP, HP 2100)

MWCM Molecular Wire Crossbar Memory (RAM, IC, HP)

NAMP Netware, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Novell, Netware, Apache, PHP, DB)

NCHPC National Consortium for High Performance Computing (Org., HPC, USA)

NCOHPCC National Coordination Office for High Performance Computing and Communications (Org., USA, HPC) "NCO/HPCC"

NCS Network Computing System (HP, Apollo)

NCSNDR Network Computing System Network Data Representation (HP, Apollo), "NCS NDR"

NDT Net Data Throughput

NHSE National HPCC Software Exchange (USA)

NLS Native Language Support (HP)

NPAC Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (Org., USA, HPC)

OBDR One Button Disaster Recovery (HP, Streamer)

OMG Object Management Group (IBM, HP, DEC, Tandem, Sun, Org.)

OSF Open Software Foundation (HP, DEC, IBM, Org.)

OTA Office of Technology Assessment (Org., IBM, HP, AEG, AT&T, SNI, ...)

OVPI Open View Performance Insights (HP)

PA Precision Architecture (HP)

PARISC Precision Architecture, Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC, HP), "PA-RISC"

PCL Printer Control Language (HP, PJL)

PDO PHP Data Objects (PHP)

PEAR PHP Extension and Application Repository (PHP)

PECL PHP Extension Code Library (PHP, PEAR)

PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP/FI, HTML, CGI, Nachfolger)

PHPFI Personal Home Page [construction kit]/Form Interpreter (HTML, CGI, PHP, Vorläufer), "PHP/FI"

PIN Processor Independent Netware (Novell, HP, DEC, Apple, Sun)

PJL Print Job Language (HP, PCL, Drucker)

PM Privileged Mode (HP, MPE)

PSG Personal Systems Group (HP)

RATS Rough Auditing Tool for Security (WWW, CGI, PERL, PHP, ...)

RDQL Resource Description Query Language (RDF, HP, Java)

RET Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP), "REt"

RISS [StorageWorks] Reference Information Storage System (HP)

RTE Real Time Executive (OS, HP, HP 2000)

RTE6VM Real Time Executive - 6 / Virtual Memory (OS, HP, RTE, HP 1000), "RTE-6/VM"

SCRI Supercomputer Computations Research Institute (Org., USA, HPC)

SD Self-Describing [file] (HP)

SDU Software Distribution Utilities (IBM, HP)

SELHPC South East London - High Performance Computing [centre] (Org.) "SEL-HPC"

SIR Serial InfraRed (HP)

SMPC Shared Memory Parallel Computer (HPC)

SMUG Seldom Met Users Group [book] (HP, HP 3000)

SPL Systems Programming Language (HP, MPE, ALGOL, HP 3000)

TCG Trusted Computing Group (Org., DRM, AMD, HP, IBM, Intel, MS, ...)

THP Transparent Huge Pages (Linux)

TSANET Technical Support Alliance NETwork (Org., Hersteller, Lotus, Oracle, HP, ...) "TSANet"

UDO Ultra Density Optical (Plasmon, HP, ECMA 350, ISO/IEC 17345)

VUE Visual User Environment (HP)

WAMP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Windows, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

WAMPP Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP and PERL (Windows, Apache, DB, SQL, PHP, PERL)

WAPP Windows, Apache, PostgreSQL, PHP (Windows, Apache, PHP, DB, SQL)

WLM WorkLoad Manager (IBM, HP-UX)

YCPS Yale Center for Parallel Supercomputing (Org., USA, HPC)

A total of 159 terms has been found.

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I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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